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Navigating the Intersection: Mental Health, Trauma, and Your Finances

The link between mental health, traumatic experiences, and financial decisions is intricate. In this blog, we'll unravel the emotional tug-of-war, the storm clouds overhead, and the invisible scripts that influence our financial paths.

Emotional Tug-of-War:

Our emotions often act as opposing forces in financial decisions. Anxiety, depression, or past trauma can create a tug-of-war, influencing choices that range from impulsive spending to overly cautious saving.

Storm Clouds Overhead:

Traumatic experiences cast a shadow, impacting our financial skies. The aftermath may include financial instability, debt, or strained relationships as we navigate the storm clouds formed by past traumas.

Invisible Scripts:

Unseen scripts, formed by our experiences and mental health, guide financial decisions. These invisible narratives can lead to self-sabotage or unconscious patterns, influencing our relationship with money.

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